Copyright (C) 2000 The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, Monash University.

EDRDG Home Page


In March 2000, James William Breen assigned ownership of the copyright of the dictionary files assembled, coordinated and edited by him to the The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group at Monash University (hereafter "the Group"), on the understanding that the Group will foster the development of the dictionary files, and will utilize all monies received for commercial use of the files for the further development of the files, and for research into computer lexicography and electronic dictionaries.

This document outlines the licence arrangement put in place by The Group for usage of the files. It replaces all previous copyright and licence statements applying to the files.


This licence statement and copyright notice applies to the following dictionary files, the associated documentation files, and any data files which are derived from them.

Copyright over the documents covered by this statement is held by James William BREEN and The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group at Monash University.

Usage, Copying and Distribution

  1. General Permission

    Any person or organization in possession of a copy of any of the files covered by this statement, whether they have received the copy via free distribution or purchase:

    1. may use the file for personal purposes such as to assist with reading texts, research, translation services, etc.

    2. may, subject to the restriction detailed below, supply extracts or small portions of the files to other persons or organizations in the form of written documents, electronic mail, etc. Such an activity may result in a fee, e.g. in the case of professional translation services.

    3. must as part of the receiving of the copy undertake to be bound by all the conditions below relating to the distribution of the files.

  2. Free-of-charge distribution (*)

    Permission is granted:

    1. to make and distribute verbatim copies of these files provided the full documentation of the files and this copyright notice and permission notice is distributed with all copies. Any distribution of the files must take place without a financial return, except a charge to cover the cost of the distribution medium.

    2. to place copies of these files on WWW and ftp servers for subsequent distribution under the same conditions listed above.

    3. to make and distribute extracts or subsets of the files, or files in other formats and codings containing material selected from the files, under the same conditions applying to verbatim copies.

    4. to translate elements of the files into other languages, and to make and distribute copies of those translations under the same conditions applying to verbatim copies.

  3. Incorporation into Free Software and Server Systems (*)

    Permission is granted:

    1. to use these files as part of software which is distributed free-of-charge, provided all the conditions associated with free-of-charge distribution as described above are met, and provided that full acknowledgement of the source of the files is made in the software documentation.

    2. to incorporate the files into any WWW or similar server system which operates without charge or commercial advertising, provided all the conditions associated with free-of-charge distribution as described above are met. In addition, full acknowledgement of the source of the files must be prominently displayed on the server, and links must be made available on the "front" page of the particular server to the full documentation and copyright statements of the files.

  4. Shareware Software

    Permission is granted to use these files as part of software which is distributed on a "shareware" basis, and for which a charge of no more than $US100 is levied, on the following conditions:

    1. the distributors of the software notify the Group prior to the release of the package.

    2. the distributors undertake to remit to the Group 10% of the gross receipts for the software, or such other amount agreed by the Group prior to the release of the software. The remittance is to take place at least once each 3 months.

    3. the full documentation of the files and this copyright notice and permission notice is distributed with all copies.

    4. full acknowledgement of the source of the files is made in the software documentation.

  5. Commercial WWW Servers

    The contents of these file must not be made available via WWW services for which a charge is levied, or which make use of commercial advertising without the prior permission of the Group. Permission for such usage will normally be granted in return for a fee based on a small proportion of either the advertising revenue or the subscription charges. The other conditions applying to free WWW servers also apply to commercial WWW servers.

  6. Linux Operating System (*)

    Permission is granted for these files to be included free-of-charge in distributions of the GNU/Linux operating system and associated utilities and packages, e.g. the Red Hat, Debian, TurboLinux, etc. distributions, provided the conditions stated above under "Incorporation into Free Software and Server Systems" are met. In other words, commercial Linux distributions are regarded as meeting the "a charge to cover the cost of the distribution medium" criterion.

  7. Commercial Software Packages

    The contents of these files must not be incorporated into a software package that is sold commercially or used exclusively within a company or organization without the prior permission of the Group. Permission will normally be granted for a non-exclusive licence to incorporate the files in return for either a one-off payment to The Group or a royalty on sales. The other conditions applying Shareware software apply.

  8. Published Dictionaries

    The contents of these files must not be published on paper or other media such as CD-ROM without the prior permission of the Group.

(*) Persons or organizations distributing copies or extracts of the files in these categories may do so without requesting or receiving formal permission from the Group. Notification of the distribution would be appreciated.

Note that in all cases, the addition of material to the files or to extracts from the files does not remove or in any way diminish the Group's copyright over the files.

Prior Permission

All permissions for use of the files granted by James William Breen prior to March 2000 will be honoured and maintained, however the placing of the KANJD212 and EDICTH files under the GNU GPL has been withdrawn as of 25 March 2000.


In addition to licensing arrangements described above, the following additional conditions apply to the KANJIDIC file.

The following people have granted permission for material for which they hold copyright to be included in the files, and distributed under the above conditions, while retaining their copyright over that material:

Jack HALPERN: The SKIP codes and Frequency codes in the KANJIDIC file.

With regard to the Frequency codes, Mr Halpern has stated as follows: "The commercial utilization of the frequency numbers is prohibited without written permission from Jack Halpern. Use by individuals and small groups for reference and research purposes is permitted, on condition that acknowledgement of the source and this notice are included."

With regard to the SKIP codes, Mr Halpern draws your attention to the statement he has prepared on the matter, which is below.

Christian WITTERN and Koichi YASUOKA: The Pinyin information in the KANJIDIC file.

Urs APP: the Four Corner codes and the Morohashi information in the KANJIDIC file.

Mark SPAHN and Wolfgang HADAMITZKY: the kanji descriptors from their dictionary.

Charles MULLER: the Korean readings.

Joseph DE ROO: the De Roo codes.


Jack Halpern (

Ever since my New Japanese-English Character Dictionary (NJECD) came out (Kenkyusha 1990, NTC 1993), I have been getting inquiries asking for permission to use SKIP (System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns) data in software products and electronic dictionaries. Below I explain the policy of the Kanji Dictionary Publishing Society (KDPS) on how to use copyright issues when distributing SKIP data or using it in software product or electronic dictionary.


Briefly, SKIP is an indexing system that enables the user to locate kanji quickly and accurately. The system is extremely convenient because it can be learned in a very short time, is easy to use, and requires very little prior knowledge of kanji.

The central idea of SKIP is the classification of characters into four major categories on the basis of easy-to-identify geometrical :

  1. Left-right

  2. Up-down

  3. Enclosure

  4. Solid

Characters belonging to the first three categories are arranged in ascending order of hyphenated numerals that represent the number of strokes in the and the number of strokes in the See and NJECD front matter for details.

To distribute SKIP data within a group or use it in a commercial or non-commercial product, please confirm that you agree to the following conditions:


    SKIP data is protected by copyright, copyleft and patent laws. The copyright holder is Jack Halpern, chief editor of KDPS (the Kanji Dictionary Publishing Society). The SKIP data must be protected from illegal copying and distribution, using such measures encryption. The data must be encrypted if it is to be used in any kind of product, including commercial products, software and freeware. The data, or extracts from it, must not be distributed to a third party, must not be sold as part of any commercial software package, and must not be incorporated in any published dictionary or other printed document without the specific permission of the copyright holder.


    The source of SKIP data shall be acknowledged in the information screens of the product, and the following disclaimer should appear in the documentation and/or help screens:

    "SKIP (System of Kanji Indexing by Patterns) numbers are derived from the New Japanese-English Character Dictionary (Kenkyusha 1990, NTC 1993) and The Kodansha Kanji Learner's Dictionary (Kodansha International, 1999). SKIP is protected by copyright, copyleft and patent laws. The commercial or non-commercial utilization of SKIP in any form is strictly forbidden without the written permission of Jack Halpern, the copyright holder. Such permission is normally granted. Please contact and/or see"


    SKIP is a product of seven years of computer-assisted research and experimentation on how kanji elements are intuitively perceived in terms of their parts. Development work was financed by private funds and research grants. To enable us to continue to develop useful data and products, we ask for you cooperation by paying KDPS (the Kanji Dictionary Publishing Society) a royalty 0.5% (negotiable) if you are using the data for a commercial product. Depending on the circumstances, it is also possible to use SKIP data free of charge or at a lower royalty.

    Finally, please send a copy of your product to Jack Halpern


All enquiries to:

The Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group
(Attn: Assoc. Prof. Jim Breen)
School of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Monash University