Menu Reference

Apple Menu

  1. About Flashcard Wizard - The about dialog box.
  2. Flashcard Wizard Help - Help information for Flashcard Wizard
  3. Version History - This contains three items. First the Version History feature opens a dialog box containing a list of all changes made to the various versions of Flashcard Wizard. Second, there is the Online Bug Report feature which allows users to download directly into Flashcard Wizard a list of bugs found in the current version with descriptions and severity. Finally, there is the Online Update Info feature which allows user to download directly into Flashcard Wizard information about the most recent update available of Flashcard Wizard and what main features are available in the most recent version.

File Menu

  1. New Set... This will create a new set. You will be prompted for field font and name information, the number of fields, the location to save the set, and whether you wish to set "edit via prompt" as default. Doing so will automatically open the "Add Card" window when you open the set.
  2. Open Set... This will open a Flashcard Wizard set. Note, this will open only Flashcard Wizard files. You must first import files at aren't created in Flashcard Wizard.
  3. Open Recent - This lists the 10 most recently open sets. Choosing one of these will open the set. You may clear this list by choosing the "Clear Recent" item from the bottom of the menu.
  4. Close Set - If there is a set open, this will close it, prompting you to save any changes that were made.
  5. Save Set - This will save a set if it is open and has been modified.
  6. Revert... - This will revert a set back to its most previously saved condition.
  7. Backup - You may create a backup copy of the currently open set by choosing "Set" from this menu or the current user and all of its sets by choosing "User & User Sets" from this menu.
  8. Preferences - Access all the preferences from this sub menu. See Customizing Flashcard Wizard
  9. Reset Preferences... - This resets all the preferences except for default fonts back to their factory settings.
  10. Import Set... - This allows you to import a tab, comma, space, or group delimited file into Flashcard Wizard. You may also indicate a number of lines you wish Flashcard Wizard to skip before beginning to read the file.
  11. Export Set... - This allows you to export any Flashcard Wizard file as a tab, comma, or group delimited text file as well as over a dozen other formats.
  12. Batch Import... - If you wish to import an entire folder of files use this menu command.
  13. Batch Export... - If you wish to export an entire folder of Flashcard Wizard files, use this menu command.
  14. Show Tools - You can hide/show the toolbar or tool window by using this menu command.
  15. Quit - Quits Flashcard Wizard. If changes were made to the currently open set, you will be asked if changes should be saved.

Edit Menu

  1. Cut - Cuts the currently selected text.
  2. Copy - Copies the currently selected text.
  3. Paste - Pastes the currently selected text.
  4. Special Paste - This sub-menu will allow you to paste full entries into your sets at once from other locations. These other entries can be delimited with space, comma, tab, or any other character. You may use the "Default Special Paste" to paste entries using the default delimiter as chosen in the general preferences. Other common delimiters have their own special paste feature. Finally, one or more entries from the freeware Japanese Dictionary application MacJDic may also be pasted in if you select whole lines from the dictionary's search result.


  1. Merge - This will merge the currently open set with another set. The merged set will be saved as a third set, leaving the first two sets untouched.
  2. Flashcards - This will begin flashcard study for the currently open set. See Flashcard Study for more information.
  3. Add Cards... - This will open the "Add Cards" window for the current set allowing you to add new entries to the set.
  4. Set Properties... - This will open the Set Properties window where you can change the fonts, field names, and other aspects of the set.
  5. View as List - This will toggle the visibility of the List view for the currently open set.
  6. Edit Set List - This sub menu allows you to modify the set in various ways. "Edit Item" will open the "Add Card" window at the entry which is selected. "Delete Item/s" will delete the selected item/s. "Insert Entry in Field" will insert a blank line in one of the fields. Useful if your fields are "out of synch." "Delete Entry in Field" does the opposite, deleting one line from a chosen field. If you wish to delete an entire entry, use the "Delete item/s" instead. "Remove Duplicates" will search one field for duplicates and delete them. "Create Sub-List" will make a new set of the selected entries. "Change Comment..." will change the comment for the selected entries. This is especially useful for changing the comments of multiple entries without using the "Add Card" window.
  7. Window Size - This allows you to adjust the list view window size.
  8. Set Doctor - This will open the Set Doctor window for manual editing of sets and repair of corrupt sets.
  9. About This Set... - This menu item shows the signature of the currently open set and allows you to change or add a signature. You may also load signatures that have been previously saved. The signature includes information including: Name, Subject, Author, Organization, Link, Email, and Comments.


  1. New User... - This will create a new user. You must give it a name, determine the TTF schedule, and assign a password if choose to do so.
  2. Load User... - This will load a Flashcard Wizard user. This must be done before Interval Study can commence.
  3. Recent Users - This lists the ten most recently opened users, providing a quick method to load these users.
  4. Interval Flashcards - This begins interval flashcard study.
  5. Add User Set - This will add a set to the list of user sets. If the option key is held down, a whole folder of sets can be added.
  6. User Sets - This will open the "User Sets" window where user sets can be added, opened, and statistics concerning them can be inspected.
  7. User Properties - This menu command will open the User Properties window where you can change a user's TTF schedule, password, or manually edit the user file (not recommended).
  8. User Log & Stats - This will open the User Log and Statistics menu which lists any log information for the current user and displays interval study statistics including the stages and days for study of all current user set entries.
  9. Recent User Sets - This lists recently open user files for this user.

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