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Progress on the next release of Flashcard Wizard

I have just released version 1.2 of Flashcard Wizard, which makes a few simple fixes to the 1.0 release made earlier in the fall of 2000. I am currently busy with my studies at Columbia University's graduate School of International and Public Affairs. However, I have a strong continued interest in my application and am currently working on a complete rebuild of the program in a new programming language (Before: Supercard Now: REALBasic) which will make the application compatible with Mac OS X, give it limited compatibility with Windows, and will both increase speed and make a few features easier to implement. I hope to release this as version 2.0 in the spring or summer of 2001. The success of this project will depend in part on whether REALBasic proves to be as stable and consistent as Supercard in the implementation of the programs core features.

Features Coming to a Version Near You...

The current release of Flashcard Wizard contains only one of the three modes of study which will eventually included - the flashcard mode. There are also a number of other features that have been disabled because they are still not fully operational. Below is an outline of some of those features:

List Review List Review is the second study mode and very useful for increasing study efficiency. Interval Study available.
Quiz Mode This mode of study is the traditional quiz study setting where answers are inputed and graded by the software.
Sort A powerful Sort command will be available...
Find A fast Find command will be available...
Skins Customize colors, buttons, and backgrounds!

Other Things Being Considered:

•Manual Setting of the fonts to speed up opening of files
•Remove spaces function
•Add prefix
•Add Suffix
•Replace function in the main list window
•Contextual menu in Flashcard window for resizing fonts or changing various other options
•Add Support for sound and quicktime movies.
•Dynamic fonts in interval study. (Currently, interval study uses the same fonts for all entries found)
•Add a feature allowing the "pasting" of a signature to a group of sets in a folder.
•Find whole sets on the basis of various information, such as info in the signature/about window or words in the set
•Help files automatically open in browser if doesn't find help viewer
•Allow editing of set properties for User Sets directly from Set menu and not only via User List window.
•List Review
•Interval List Review
•Find Function Using Offset
•Strip User lists down to normal lists feature
•Import Export Preferences
•Add import/export feature for file which has question and answer on alternate lines
•Add import feature of ignoring the first few items in a tab deliminited list
•Add import feature of a \ delimited file
•Add feature of Javascript export for quiz
•Quiz mode: exact match, includes answer, includes answer and is >50% of it
•Add comment straight from flashcard
•Applescript support?


  Software, web design, and other foolishness by Konrad Mitchell Lawson.
Updated: January 13, 2001
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