A few links to some RubyCocoa tutorials I found helpful in addition to the ones you can find on this weblog:
This is a wonderful tutorial that both teaches you some basic GUI programming with RubyCocoa while teaching you a testing approach. I don’t recommend it for complete beginners, however.
Selectable Toolbar Icons in RubyCocoa
Create nice selectable toolbar items for your prefs window. Two part tutorial.
Shows you how to create an application that speaks a line you enter. Lots of comments in the code makes this one nice. Uses an example from Hillegass book.
Your First Few Days on RubyCocoa
A lot of people have mentioned this around the net but this is over a year old and I had trouble getting things to work in my newer XCode environment.
RubyCocoa MultipleNibTabView sample
Shows you how to use views housed in separate nibs. Just provides you with some code without much explanation.
Satoshi Nakagawa’s RubyCocoa Tutorials
I recently translated these tutorials from Japanese.
A much longer list of tutorials can be found here.
One Comment
Great site, really useful.. Could someone tell me which is best to use out of MacRuby or RubyCocoa, or are they the same thing? Many thanks…
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