I’m not a programmer by trade. This weblog is maintained by a student of history who likes to tinker with coding on the side for OS X and some online websites. For a few weeks I have tried to rewrite an old OS 9 project using AppleScript Studio and posted some tips and tutorials on a separate weblog dedicated to that environment. My frustrations with the applescript language, however, and my appreciation for the beauty of Ruby has led me to start over and try to learn how to combine the power of the Ruby language with the ease of GUI design in Interface Builder and the broader world of Cocoa development.
I am no expert on Cocoa, XCode, Interface Builder, Ruby, or either RubyCocoa or MacRuby so this weblog is a window into one newbie’s attempt to learn all of them. I’ll post tips I found useful, tutorials I come across and one’s I create on my own. I will also collect useful links related to RubyCocoa and MacRuby and you can find them in the blogroll located in the sidebar.
I will start off trying to learn RubyCocoa but I’m excited by the new MacRuby project which is aiming to overcome some apparent weaknesses with the former. I may eventually shift to the latter as it becomes more mature and support for it grows.
There is also another Objective-C bridge RubyObjC, by Tim Burks who now focuses on a Lisp and Ruby influenced language called Nu but I won’t be mentioning that much here.
I am also interested in welcoming others to join as contributors to this weblog if you are interested in Ruby and Cocoa development and want to make postings useful to others who are new to the topic.
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